US President Donald Trump and his visiting Kazakh counterpart Nursultan Nazarbayev on Tuesday agreed to promote "an Enhanced Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century" between the two countries. 
The two leaders vowed to strengthen cooperation on political and security issues, trade and investment, military and people-to-people relationships through regular high-level meetings within the framework of an Enhanced Strategic Partnership Dialogue, noted a statement released by the White House.
They also issued commitments to addressing shared challenges in Central Asia through regional formats, such as the C5+1 dialogue (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan + the United States), and welcomed future Afghan participation in C5+1 projects.
Kazakh has reached agreements with several US companies worth 7.5 billion US dollars, including contracts to supply passenger planes and locomotives to the Central Asian country.
“The contracts will be about purchasing additional Boeing planes ... and assembling 900 new General Electric locomotives in Kazakhstan,” Nazarbayev said following a meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House.
Nazarbayev said some of the contracts, which will be unveiled later on Tuesday, also included investments in the agricultural sector.
The two leaders pledged to deepen their cooperation against violent extremism and international terrorism, the statement said.
(With input from Xinhua)
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